Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pelmeni soup

Today's Quote: "America has prospered and flourished because God has put a hedge of protection around us. This has been a special country to Him. It's been a land of His choosing. And we need as a people to turn from the way we're going and to acknowledge His sovereignty and to humbly beseech Him for protection from what may be coming from those who are our enemies and those who wish to destroy us." Pat Robertson (The Roots of Terrorism and a Strategy for Victory, avilable at:

Today's Website I find interesting:

Yesterday's lecture on human rights and terrorism went well. I really enjoyed myself, and I felt that the students got a lot out of the discussion. At the end, they had many questions, and apparently they did not want to leave the room. Unfortunately, I will have to give a similar lecture again on Saturday. Afterwards, my office will have a going away party for me. I'm really sad to be leaving. Otherwise, yesterday was funny - I had for lunch at the summer school building "pelmeni" (little ravioli-like things) soup, which was delicious. I then went to visit my friend and we went for a small dinner at a new restaurant near my house called Palma. They didn't have any of the dishes I wanted, so I just ordered Pelmeni soup again, even though I had had it for lunch. When I got home an hour or so later, I was getting ready for bed, when my host mother came to my room and said, "Aren't you going to eat any dinner?" I told her that I had already eaten. She became very sad and said that she had specifically made Pelmeni soup for me...I told her that I had already had Pelmeni soup twice -- but this didn't satisfy her. I agreed to eat 2 pelmenis. Instead, she came out with a big bowl and insisted that I eat all of it. Three times pelmeni soup in one day!! My coworkers have been laughing about this today! :)
One more working day here in Tajikistan! Too much to do before I leave.....Help!

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