Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Giant Roaches Work at Night

Seriously, giant roaches work at night under the tress outside my apartment building. I almost stepped on one, and then another, and then another. They were carrying large pieces of unidentifiable black stuff to an unknown location.

A German man decided to bring his dog into the Chinese restaurant tonight. It started napping under the table, but when the waitress came, it got startled and let out a horrific bark and jumped towards her. The Chinese manager came out and complained, but the man could only justify his actions by saying that the dog always goes with him wherever he travels. Martyna jumped in and asked if he dares to bring his dog into restaurants in Germany. He didn't answer. Anyway, I thought that people tie up their dogs outside when they go into a restaurant...but this dog wasn't even on a leash.

I'm currently battling fleas in my apartment. We did a huge spraying a week ago, and then I stayed at my friends' places. But it seems the problem has not gone away. Today I decided to ask my downstairs neighbors if they have such a problem or if the building is somehow infested. The lady downstairs - whose apartment is being repainted and cleaned out - and so I thought to talk with her - was the rudest woman I have ever met...
she yelled at me and pointed her finger in my face saying that if there is a problem in the apartment building it is solely on account of ME. It was horrific. I've seen crazy people, but this took the prize. I have never seen a Tajik person who is rude...In fact, I'd have to say that she must NOT be Tajik at all.

I met a high ranking mullah today from Khojand. He is an affiliate of our Project. He has given us access to "all" of Khojand for our interviews on law and religion. I plan to spend a few days in Khojand at the end of the month.

On another note,
Only in Dushanbe would a taxi driver with a route number on his windshield turn to you and ask, "where is my destination?" He had no idea where to stop the route...

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