Sunday, July 02, 2006

watermelon time.

Here's a photo from the dinner we had with Garth. These are two of my host brothers looking silly while eating watermelon and watching football (before the power would go out in the last seconds). These are two of the friendly brothers. I have four host brothers here....and the second oldest has been nothing but english english english language, despite the rules of the program. We had two whole watermelons at that dinner....I've cut back on the melons after being told they're "chemichiski" (chemical?) until mid July... They are getting so delish just about now though....american watermelons are just pathetic! The problem is that my host family doesn't accept that I don't eat an entire one just myself....they think I'm an "elevator" as my grandmother calls people who can just eat and eat and eat. :) I've resorted to firm / slightly rude refusals to get them to stop piling food on my plate again as soon as I've finished. I think you either become huge here or lose a tremendous amount of weight from the heat, sicknesses, and water...


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Vadim Sadonshoev
Bridge blogger

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