A useful WEBSITE for today:For all you history nerds out there, there is an ISN webpage that has a very good history review: It is an interactive timeline of 1945-1963:
http://www.isn.ethz.ch/edu/adl/standalone_obj/timeline/timeline.htmlIn news about me, I will be working with the Tajikistan Dialogue Project in Dushanbe as of May. I will be saying goodbye to full-time work as a profressor at the Kazakhstan Institute, although I may get the chance to teach some online courses. More news to come on this pending move later.
My friend Serguei will be visiting from Moscow this week, and I hope to get some sightseeing in - which means more pictures for all of you. The weather in Almaty has been perfect for almost three weeks, and I am delighted to be walking through the city on the weekends. You should come visit!