Friday, September 08, 2006

One Month Later in Boston

Hello Everyone!
My apologies for posting little in the past month. It was a busy and chaotic travel season for me. I first left from Dushanbe, Tajikistan to Istanbul. I stayed in Istanbul for 10 days and really had a wonderful time. It's definitely very touristy, but the beauty of the many mosques and monuments really outweighs the negatives. The restaurants were amazing and the hotels all reasonably priced. After my stay in Istanbul, I went for 12 days to Iran. I stayed with Mahdi's very kind and hospitable family in the center of Tehran. They have a lovely house and I was grateful to enjoy many nice Iranian meals while I was there. We took a group trip to the famous pilgrimage city of Mashad where we saw the shrine of Imam Reza. It was amazing how many people we saw there at all times of the day.

Now, I am in Boston! (I have really down a roundabout tour of this small world). Law school has started up again, and the most new photos I can post now will be of my criminal clinic where I prepare for my work as a student attorney in criminal defense. Wish me luck! In my spare time, during the next few weeks, I will post some late photos from Istanbul and Mashad. Next week I have a mock trial and the week after I pick up my first clients.

Note: quote: Chief Justice Hughes has said: "The security of the public will be found in the treatment of the poor and the ignorant; in indifference to their misery and helplessness lies disaster." (1919)